US expert set to dispel sleep ‘myths’


US women's health expert Dr. Donnica Moore has joined with the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) to help 'set the record' straight on sleeping habits, conditions and treatments by dispelling widely-believed sleep 'myths' as part of a new programme.

Dr. Moore will participate in the 'Sleeping Smart' initiative, which aims to raise awareness of sleep issues, emphasise the importance of a good night’s sleep and further the understanding of sleep medications and treatments. The campaign includes a number of myth-debunking short videos, as well as a resource of information and tips on general sleep hygiene.

Some of the commonly believed myths tackled on the website include the effects of over-the-counter sleeping aids, the 'optimum' time needed for sleep at night and misunderstandings related to the condition of insomnia.

"Considering the current economic environment, many Americans are having trouble falling or staying asleep. People think that their sleep problems aren't severe enough to talk to a healthcare professional," said Dr. Moore. "Yet, anyone who has been experiencing symptoms of insomnia for more than a month, or who finds that sleeping problems are interfering with their daily life, should speak with a healthcare professional, especially before self-medicating."

NSF CEO David Cloud added; "Since there are so many misperceptions about our sleep, our goal with this campaign is to set the record straight while educating people about the importance of a good night's sleep and motivate them to talk to a healthcare professional to determine if treatment is appropriate."

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