Sunday is worst night for sleep - poll


The worst night for sleep for many of us is Sunday, according to the results of a survey published this week. The surprising statistic, from a Toluna Omnibus study of over 3000 US residents, goes against the idea of Sunday as ‘day of rest’ where most people get the chance to relax and unwind, instead suggesting that the night’s sleep at end of the weekend is disturbed by worries and anxiety about the week ahead. Some 39% of respondents voted for Sunday, more than double the number that voted for Saturday, which was the following worst night for sleep.

Notably, the poll took employment details into account and found that those who are in full-time work are more likely to suffer sleeplessness on Sundays. In addition to this, it was found that employees in the higher earning brackets had a poorer quality of sleep compared to less wealthy counterparts.

Mid-week nights came out best in the poll, with Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights each being voted the worst for sleep by less than 10% of respondents. The relative ease of sleep on these nights may suggest that work worries are more likely to be quelled during the middle of the week, as there is time in the working week to deal with any potential problems.

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