Oatmeal A Super Sleep Food


Our bodies and minds are complex systems, intertwined and connected in numerous and complex ways. Most of the time we do not need to think about this complex system, but when something is going wrong, it is time to pay serious attention, looking at all the various factors that can cause cascading effects.

Sleep is one of the more mysterious yet vital aspects of life and when it goes wrong it can have serious effects, causing a wide variety of complaints and ailments, from depression and anxiety through to hallucinations and weight loss. If you are struggling to get to sleep or wake feeling exhausted then you need to have to start thinking about your body as a system, studying what you put in it and how that might be effecting your sleep.

While some substances, like alcohol and caffeine, have negative consequences on sleep, there are a number of different foods and drinks that can help improve sleep. One of these is oatmeal, which contains a number of nutrients associated with aiding sleep. Oatmeal has high levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, silicon and potassium - a list that reads like a sleep enhancing recipe. If you want to sleep better, have a bowl of oatmeal before bed.

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