Good health starts with great sleep


The more we learn about sleep the more important we realise it is for our general health. While no scientists have uncovered the exact reason why we sleep, they have found that sleep plays a central role in our physical and psychological well being. Here are some of the interesting connections that have been found:

The more sleep you get the less your appetite. With sleep deprivation your appetite not only increases but you also crave unhealthy food.

Sleep and depression are intimately linked, people with depression are more likely to have a sleeping disorder.

Sleep helps with memory and recall. People who sleep well each night are more likely to remember specific facts and tasks from the day before.

People who sleep for around 7 hours (not 8 as previously promoted) will live longer than those that under or over sleep.

Sleep helps to curb inflammation. People who get five hours or less of sleep have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins.

Sleep helps with stress. Numerous studies have shown that people who sleep well each night are less stressed than those that don’t

So there you go, these are just some of the many connections between sleep and your mental and physical health.

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