The best way to prevent bedbugs


Bedbugs - the nocturnal insect scourge often thought to be exclusive to run-down motels the world over, are actually more common than you’d perhaps like to believe. Mattresses, as expected, are the habitat preferred by bedbugs, whether in the seams, springs or elsewhere within the structure. The darkness and temperature offered by mattresses provide the perfect breeding - and feeding - environments for bedbugs.

Reactions to sleeping on a mattress that has bedbugs vary from person to person, but common occurrences include bite spots and allergic reactions, with particular problems suffered by asthmatics. In short, bedbugs are not good news for your health or hygiene.

The layered composition of the Ergo Flex™ memory foam mattress helps to prevent bedbugs ever occurring, as there are no hollow areas as in pocket sprung mattresses for them to inhabit. Along with its structure, each Ergo Flex™ memory foam mattress is treated with UltraFresh™, to ensure that they are hypo-allergenic, anti-microbial, and inhospitable to bedbugs and dust mites.

Each and every Ergo Flex visco elastic memory foam mattress offers pressure-relieving performance and is designed to give you the night’s sleep you’ve always dreamed of. Providing optimum support for your whole body, Ergo Flex mattresses ensure a restful and comfortable sleep, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and energised in the morning. See our memory foam mattresses page for details of our single, double, king size, European king size and super king size mattress versions, or call 0845 450 2338 to find out more.

On the land and waters that we sleep, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these lands. We pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise their connection to the land.

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