Is Memory Foam Ok If I Keep Changing Sleep Positions At Night?


The absolutely brilliant thing about memory foam is that not only does it mould itself to your body shape, it will keep adjusting itself as you move through the night. This means that if you are a restless sleeper, then it is absolutely perfect as no matter how many times you move throughout the night, the memory foam mattress will reshape itself, always providing the perfect amount of support and always giving you the maximum comfort possible. Other types of mattress can be awful for restless sleepers as they often have grooves and depressions that force your body into certain positions, causing sleepless nights spent fighting a stubborn mattress.

Memory foam is heat reactive, becomes softer and more supple with heat. Memory foam mattresses will mould themselves depending on your body heat, and as different parts of your body give of different amounts of heat, it shapes itself perfectly to your sleeping form. When you change position, so does the memory foam. When you get out of bed in the morning, the memory foam will spring back to its original shape.

It does not matter whether you are a solid sleeper who barely moves or a restless sleep who will move throughout the night, memory foam does the job, no matter what.

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