A new US survey published this week has found a difference in sleep habits of people from different ethnic groups, as well as some marked similiarities. The National Sleep Foundation-led investigation surveyed over 1000 participants from white, black, Hispanic and Asian groups, looking at ethnicity for...
The effects of daylight on the body’s internal clock is been well-documented in research, however a new US study has taken a direct approach to investigating the phenomenon in school children with results that back up the theory, reports Sciencenews.org. Researcher Mariana Figueiro from New York’s...
New research into early brain development may shed further light on the importance of sleep for forming memory, as well as the wider reasons why we sleep and why sleep deprivation is so harmful. A team at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, led by associate professor of Neuroscience Marcos...
The brain’s capacity to take in new information can be boosted by a daytime nap, suggests the results of a new US study revealed this week. The research is the latest in a long line of scientific investigations into the effects of napping, which have so far failed to determine a conclusive and...
An investigation into children’s sleep habits by the BBC’s Newsround programme has found that electronic distractions such as video games, mobile phones and television are resulting in a significant impact into how much sleep many children get. The programme carried out a questionnaire of...
The health and wellbeing effects of getting the required amount of sleep are increasingly well documented, however taking the necessary time and effort to achieve good sleep is something that many of us don’t seem to be willing to do. The facts behind consistently poor quality sleep underline just...
New research in the US has found that sleep can be ‘banked’ in order to combat upcoming periods of intensive work where sleep can be difficult or scarce. A team at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research tested two groups of volunteers, one of which was given extra sleep and the other...
The brain forms and strengthens memories during periods of rest as well as sleep, according to the results of new US study published this week. The New York University research, lead by Dr. Lila Davachi, looked at the memory recall performance of volunteers during rest breaks following tasks involving...
Sleep apnoea sufferers who have chronic cough may experience a “significantly impaired” quality of life, says a new report in the European Respiratory Journal. Researchers in England and Australia studied 108 patients that had been referred specifically for sleep-related respiratory problems,...
A New Jersey high school has decided to start morning classes 15 minutes later to allow students longer in bed, in a bid to improve their academic performance. The move is part of a year-long trial at Chatham High School in which it is hoped the delayed start time will help students stay alert in class...
Unmade beds may be one of the solutions to the problem of bedbugs, according to research from Kingston University. The study found that untidy, messy beds made an inhospitable environment for dust mites compared to made beds, in which they thrive. It is thought that leaving a bed unmade reduces the warm...
The condition sleep apnoea, characterised by pauses in breathing during the night, could worsen Type 2 diabetes, according to the results of a new study from the University of Chicago. Researchers found a link between apnoea and glucose control in patients which directly impacts on the severity of diabetes,...
On the land and waters that we sleep, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these lands. We pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise their connection to the land.