Ergoflex blog

Everything you need to know about sleep disorders

Everything you need to know about sleep disorders


Sleep is one of those things that you do not think about much when it is all going well. It is only when it is not that you start to focus on it. The worse your trouble with sleeping is the more you will think about sleep. The more central it becomes to your life, and the more important you realise it...

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What is the best sleep position to sleep in?

What is the best sleep position to sleep in?


Ok, so there are a bunch of different ways of sleeping, right? You may be flat out on your back, curled up on your side or even snuggled into your partner. Do these have any impacts on you or are they all the same in the end? As it turns out, sleeping in different positions can have a range of different...

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Why sleep is so important for good grades

Why sleep is so important for good grades


Are you a student? Are you struggling to sleep? Then your academic performance will be suffering. This article on HuffPost outlines the impacts of lack of sleep on academic outcomes and makes for some interesting reading.

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6 ways your health improves with better sleep

6 ways your health improves with better sleep


We all know that sleep is good for us, but many of us are unaware of just how important it is. The last decade or so have been massive in sleep research. Our understanding of this mysterious yet ubiquitous phenomenon has expanded massively in recent years and we now have an incredible understanding of...

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Is what you eat affecting your circadian rhythms?

Is what you eat affecting your circadian rhythms?


Is what you eat affecting your circadian rhythms? Do you even know what circadian rhythms are? Ok, let’s start with that first, as while you may not know what that word is you will definitely know what they are as they are a fundamental part of your life.

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Sharper minds at middle age are all thanks to good sleep

Sharper minds at middle age are all thanks to good sleep


We are set to live longer than any generation before us (no matter how old you are, this is true). So we want to ensure that our longer lives are better lives. One of the best things you can do if you want to be as happy and healthy later on in life as possible is to sleep well. Good old shuteye has...

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How to sleep better when travelling in economy

How to sleep better when travelling in economy


Just because you are travelling for business does not mean that you are in business class. In fact, with the cost of business class rising so dramatically more and more business people are having to fly back in cattle class. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be on your game when you...

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Reasons why the graveyard shift is dangerous

Reasons why the graveyard shift is dangerous


It is not called the graveyard shift for no reason! Working through the night is dangerous in a number of ways. If you have ever had to work shift work you will have a pretty good idea of all the different risks that are associated with expecting your body and brain to stay up throughout the night and...

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The danger of sleep deprivation and the lack of melatonin

The danger of sleep deprivation and the lack of melatonin


Melatonin is a vital hormone, it plays a central role in your sleep-wake cycle but it also has a number of other functions in the body as well. When you are sleep deprived you become deficient in melatonin, which can have a range of knock on effects.

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Sleep after learning is your brain at its best

Sleep after learning is your brain at its best


For a long time our culture has prized those who ‘burn the candle at both ends’, it has lionised those who ‘give it 110 per cent’. We have been told that if we want to succeed then we need to work harder and longer. This is particularly true of academic study, the idea of ‘cramming’...

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Pity the new parents as they are too tired to feel sorry for themselves

Pity the new parents as they are too tired to feel sorry for themselves


Anyone who has had a young infant will know the pain. That cry in the night that wakes you... again. The broken night’s sleep every night for what seems like eternity. It gets to a point where many new parents are numbed to the world as they are broken. So feel sorry for those going through this...

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Are your sleep problems just you procrastinating?

Are your sleep problems just you procrastinating?


If you have sleep problems then they may just be you procrastinating. It turns out that not only can procrastination be a problem in your work life, in your studies and your personal life but it can also impact your sleep. In particular, wasting time before going to bed could be at the root of your sleep...

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