Ergoflex blog

Could your sleep benefit by using a white-noise machine?


Generally if you are having trouble sleeping the last thing you’d think of needing is a machine that makes noise, but research shows that having a white noise machine helps people sleep. The reason for this is that white noise is random, it has no distinct form or pattern, and as such it helps...

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What is Narcolepsy?


Do you wake up feeling tired, are you tired all day no matter how much sleep you seem to get, do you suffer from random periods of sleep at inappropriate times during the day? Then maybe you have got narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep condition where people experience disturbed nocturnal sleep...

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Teeth grinding when you sleep


Bruxism is an ugly word that describes an annoying and sometimes unhealthy nocturnal habit. The word has its origins in Greek and literally means gnashing of teeth. While many people suffer from occasional bouts of bruxism, for some it becomes a real problem. Bruxism is one of the commonest sleeping...

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Are you a shift worker? You may have SWSD


If you are a shift worker who has to change their sleep patterns regularly to suit your job then you may suffer from shift worker sleep disorder (SWSD). SWSD is characterised by insomnia and excessive sleepiness during wakeful periods. People suffering from SWSD will often get less sleep than people...

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Why do smart phones effect sleep?


Now days we are surrounding by an ever increasing array of technological devices, from smart phones to e-readers, but while these devices have made are lives easier in so many different ways, they are also having a number of negative effects which we are only just becoming aware of. One of these...

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Can white noise help sleep?


It sounds counterintuitive but if you are having trouble sleeping you might need more noise, not less. Received wisdom suggests that the less noise the better when it comes to trying to get to sleep and staying asleep, however, it all depends on what the noise is and the ambient and occasional noise...

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Becoming a morning person


Getting up early in the morning is an excellent habit to get into, though it can be really difficult to get used to, especially if you have struggled with rising early in the past. If you want to break the habit and become a morning person then there are a few things that you can do to make it easier. Getting...

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Travel sleep secrets


Long distance travel and sleep are generally seen as enemies, one will rob you of the other. Jet lag, as it is commonly known, or desynchronosis, as the medical fraternity call it, is an affliction of the modern age. It occurs when we travel rapidly from west to east or east to west and force our...

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The man who never sleeps


All of us at one time or another has wished that we could go without sleep. Generally it is when we have a big deadline or just want to fit more hours into the day. However, there are not many of us that would want to stop sleeping forever. Not only is there something nice about checking out for 7...

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Sleep violence


When you think of sleep, you generally think of it as a relaxing and peaceful time and while that is true for most of us, there are a number of people for whom sleep is a violent period. These people will act out their dreams while they are fast asleep. The condition is called the REM sleep behaviour...

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Do men and women sleep differently


Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, right? Well, even if the sexes are not quite that far apart, and are definitely both located on the same planet in the solar system, there can be no denying that there are a number of important differences between men and women. One that many people are...

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Preserving your brain through sleep


Everybody has suffered from sleep deprivation at some point and knows the consequences of even a single missed night of sleep: fogginess, irritability, confusion, lack of attention and many others. All this from not enough sleep. While we all know about the problems associated with lack of sleep,...

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