Ergoflex blog

Austria are reigning power nap champs


Most people who take a power nap either do it at home or in the office, but Austria have taken the idea of the power nap to the next level. There are power nap providers popping up in Austrian cities, places you can go where they have soothing music and relaxing dark cells, places where business people...

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Sleep problems harming academic progress


The temptations of TV, games and the internet during the evening are harming children’s sleep quality, which is in turn impacting on their academic performance, according to experts at a Delhi sleep conference this week. While hi-tech entertainment in the evening might seem like an ideal way...

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Your bedside table can help you sleep


Did you know that your bedside table can help you sleep? Well it can. How you may ask? Simple, you need to optimise it to help you get to sleep and stay asleep, this involves jettisoning some items and adding others. First, you need to get rid of anything and everything that discourages sleep....

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Forgetfulness and sleep


It seems that every time sleep researchers uncover a new fact it points towards the incredible importance of sleep to almost every single facet of our lives. Case in point. A recent scientific study found that people who do not sleep well are more forgetful in their everyday life. The study looked...

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Sleep and weight


For all those millions searching for a weight loss secret, here it is: sleep. That is right, no wonder drug or miracle cure, the answer to your weight problems is extremely simple, alongside eating properly and getting exercise, the key to maintaining a healthy weight is to sleep properly. Lack...

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Taking a nap at work


We have all had those days where we struggle to keep out eyes open, where every task is a chore. If you have had a bad night’s sleep the night before, work is often a nightmare, simple things become impossible, you forget what you were doing and, generally, you do a far worse job than normal. That...

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Bad sleep linked to heart failure


Poor quality sleep may increase the risk of heart failure, according to the results of a new study in Europe. The study was carried out at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and involved data from over 50,000 people aged between 20 and 89 (all of whom had a healthy heart at the start...

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Sleepless political leaders


Anyone who knows anything about politics understands that part of being a politician is losing sleep, whether it is due to the weight of responsibility and the resultant stress or simply the number of hours you have to work in the day, being a politician means lack of sleep. There are a number...

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Exercise research shows healthier sleep


Working out and exercising is a crucial part of achieving a good quality sleep, according to the results of a new US survey. The survey from the National Sleep Foundation, which polled 1000 individuals, found that as little as ten minutes of exercise a day could improve sleep quality, and that...

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Should I use sleeping pills?


Sleep related spending has reached over $8.8 billion per year globally with much of that money being spent on sleeping pills. This amount of money is especially wasteful when many suggest that you can get a better and longer lasting result using good sense and a few simple tweaks. If you are...

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Does sleep affect memory?


Do you struggle to remember important details from yesterday? Well if you do, this may be due to lack of sleep. Researchers have discovered that sleep helps people retain information, in particular, the deep phases of sleep help the brain store and retain new facts and information. If you are...

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Arguments rob couples of sleep – survey


Bickering in bed robs partners of around 90 minutes of sleep every week, according the results of a UK survey published this week. The poll of 2000 people, in a survey from hotel chain Travelodge, found that arguing over a range of different problems - chiefly ‘fidgeting’ – was a...

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