Ergoflex blog

Sleep and Alzheimers onset


Alzheimer’s is a disease that is still shrouded in mystery. So little is understood about what causes it and what triggers onset. That said, some recent research has found that there could be a connection between less sleep and Alzheimer’s onset. To be specific, what the study found...

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Male fertility linked to sleep quality - study


A lack of sleep may be a contributory factor towards men having lower sperm counts, say the findings of a new Danish study. Taking data from 953 men aged between their late teens and early twenties, researchers at the University of Southern Denmark assessed sleep quality over a period of four weeks...

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Technology and sleep


In the past, most of us would tuck up with a good book before bed, spending an hour or so reading before drifting off. Numerous sleep experts recommend a quiet activity like reading as a great bridge between the waking and sleeping world, but before you go picking up that smart phone or tablet to...

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US poll reveals sleep loss stress


Americans feel that lack of sleep is the most-common cause of stress in their lives, with women more susceptible to anxiety over the issue, according to the results of a new Huffington Post survey. Of more than a thousand respondents, some 66% said that getting too little sleep was their most frequent...

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Waking suddenly at night


All of a sudden your eyes pop open, you have woken in the middle of the night! Thanks to Murphy and his laws this always seems to happen when you have got something really important on in the morning, meaning that you will instantly get stressed about needing to get back to sleep. So how can...

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Strange sleep facts


Sleep is a mystery. We all do it every night (well at least most of us do), yet scientists are still somewhat baffled as to why we sleep. Sure there are plenty of theories, but no concrete answers. In fact, it seems that the more we learn about sleep the weirder it gets. Here are some strange sleep...

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Blood pressure linked to sleep deprivation


Researchers at Columbia University have suggested that a lack of sleep, characterised by regularly sleeping less than five hours a night, may be linked to high blood pressure. The study looked at around 5000 people aged between 32 and 86 over a period of up to ten years. All of the participants were...

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Fatigue behind 1 in 5 car crashes – research


Drowsy driving could be the main factor behind as many as 20% of traffic accidents, according to the results of a research investigation that replicated on-the-road scenarios. The figure is significantly higher than the previously estimated rate of 2% - 3%. The research, carried out at Virginia Tech...

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Sleep deprivation and weight


The more we discover about sleep the more we realise what a wide array of physical and mental conditions it has an effect on. One recent discovery found that there is a direct connection between sleep deprivation and weight gain. Yes, not sleeping well can lead to weight gain, as if not getting enough...

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Sleeping pills may improve memory


You rarely read anything good about sleeping pills; in fact, you have probably never read anything positive about them as they are widely demonised despite the fact that they play an important role in helping those with sleep disorders or personal issues that stop them from getting to sleep. Like...

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Nine hour sleep becoming more regular – study


A new study in America has suggested that a growing number of people are actually sleeping longer than the recommended eight hours, going against a consensus that the population is largely sleep deprived. The study, using participant data from 1970 to 2007, found that those claiming to sleep longer...

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Recognise the signs of sleep apnea


Part of the problem with a number of sleep disorders is that the sufferer may be completely unaware they have a problem for many years. The reason is obvious, they are asleep when the problem occurs. Usually someone with one of these sleep disorders will either be diagnosed by a partner or due to...

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